Scott Kelby's Worldwide Photowalk Day is a worldwide event meant to encourage photographers. From the website "The World Unites! Through our walks the world comes to together to capture amazing photos of beautiful places we may never get to see otherwise!" 2017 was the 10th walk, held every year in October. Since I'd never wandered around Racine with a camera, I headed for that walk. It was also my first one, so I didn't know until I got there that other photographers had done walks earlier in the day. For the walk I used two film cameras. One was a Canon A-1 with a 28mm lens, and Ultrafine Extreme B&W film, ISO 400. The other was a Canon F-1 with a very old and, apparently, not well cared for roll of Kodak Gold 400. The Kodak film had been given to me, and this was the first time I'd used one of the rolls. I've liked Gold in the past, but this batch hasn't held up well, resulting in a lot of grain. I like grain, but only when I know it's going to be there. The day was cold and rainy, and many of the walkers gave up. But, as I mentioned on the walk, it was a good day for black and white.